Poll - Almere krijgt nieuwe straatlantaarns. Volgens de gemeente is het altijd zo dat mensen moeten wennen aan nieuwe verlichting. -De gemeente erkent dat het licht nu minder in tuinen en op ramen, deuren en gevels schijnt, maar ziet dat als een pluspunt: "hiermee wordt lichtvervuiling en lichthinder geminimaliseerd." Bent u al aan de nieuwe lantaarns gewend?

24 Votes in 1579 days
Created 30th December 2019 - 7:49 AM
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Results Breakdown - Part 2 / 6

Ja, voldoen perfect en heb goed zicht in de wijk en voel me veilig
Nee, voldoen niet, en maakt wijk donkerder. Voel me onveilig
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Geographical Breakdown - Part 5 / 6


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Daily Brain Teaser 1

What disappears the moment you say its name?

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Daily Brain Teaser 2

Answer: Silence

My creator doesn't want me.
The person who buys me doesn't need me.
The person who uses me will never see me.
What am I?

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Daily Brain Teaser 3

Answer: Coffin

Can you think of a word associated with all three of these words:
Cottage, Swiss, Cake?

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Daily Brain Teaser 4

Answer: Cheese

If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 widgets, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?

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Daily Brain Teaser 5

Answer: Each machine takes 5 mintues to make its widget. Each of the 100 machines will have finished making its widget in 5 mintues

A bat and a ball cost $1.10. The bat costs one dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

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Daily Brain Teaser 6

Answer: The ball costs 5c. Not 10c. One dollar more than 10c is $1.10, $1.10 + 10c is $1.20
One dollar more than 5c is $1.05. The sum of which is $1.10